Precious Moments Quick Pages and more LOs


I have new set of 4 elegant and beautiful quick pages made with kit "Precious Moments".

Pages are 12x12 inches, 300 dpi, and saved as PNG files.

Just drop your photo behind these pages, add any journaling and you are done beautiful bright layouts!

S4H friendly! 
On Sale
2,39 $
2,99 $

And some new pages:

Have a wonderful weekend!


New kit "Precious moments" and Freebie


 My new kit "Precious Moments" already in the store. Hope you will like it. On the creation of this kit, I was inspired by the old, but very expensive for me things.

I think every family have got such things - old book, which stores heat holding her hand, letters - full of events and experiences, clocks in the tarnished case, but still counting down the time. These not important things remember huge history, and return us to the past, making it already a part of our present life. Stop and save the moment, creating beautiful pages!

 Моя новая коллекция "Precious Moments" уже в магазине. На ее создание я была вдохновлена старыми, но очень дорогими для меня вещами. Я думаю в любой семье есть такие предметы - старая книга, которая хранит тепло держащих ее рук, письма - наполненные событиями и переживаниями, часы , в потускневшем футляре, но все еще отсчитывающие время. Эти такие вроде на первый взгляд, неприглядные вещи, хранят целые истории и могут на время возвращать нас в прошлое, делая его уже частью нашей настоящей жизни. Остановите миг, сохраните мгновения , оформив их в прекрасные странички.

"Preciuos  moments" BUNDLE contains:

-full kit (60 elements and 11 papers);
-a set of coordinate beautiful overlays with word-art
a set of coordinate photomasks

now ONLY for 7.35 dollars as a BUNDLE !!!
(reg.price 10.50$)

you can buy each part separately :)

 Stunning pages of my amazing CT:

Quck page freebie for you )
Have a wonderful day


My new kit is coming!

Hi ;)

The new kit is coming! 
Please visit my blog June 9th for freebie and sale ;)

And here I made layout for my lovely niece from my new kit!



Guest CT Call!!!

Hi girls!
I am looking for some talented girls to my guest CT
If you like my work, sent me email with:
-your name and link to your gallery
-link to your blog (if you have)
-list of your other CT teams (if any)

*1-2 pages per kit ,
*Post in 3 galleries(DST, Pickleberrypop and one of your choise) ,
*Help me promote my designs!

Thanks and good luck!!

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